This article is reviewed, corrected, and approved by: Dr. Benjamin McLean M.D. | FCPS | FRCP | MPH

Our body moves and feels things through a system called the nervous system. Imagine it's like a big music show. The brain is like the boss who tells everyone what to do, the spinal cord is like the stage where everything happens, and the nerves are like the musical instruments that play music.

Just like in a music show, they all work together to make everything happen smoothly! Sometimes, people may experience different types of neurological conditions and illnesses. By noticing and dealing with these symptoms early on, you can make sure that the person gets the right treatment and avoid any further problems.

How Does Our Neurological System Work?

Our nervous system has two parts - one controls our intentional actions, while the other controls automatic functions such as breathing. These are known as CNS and PNS. The CNS processes information and decides.

The PNS is further divided into the voluntary somatic system for movement and the involuntary autonomic system for regulating functions like heart rate. When something goes wrong with our nervous system, we may experience unusual bodily sensations or even pain. The nervous system is vital for our interactions with the world and maintaining proper bodily functions.

What Are Neurological Symptoms?

It's hard to pinpoint a specific sign that indicates a neurological problem. Various factors such as multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, strokes, and infections can cause these conditions to develop. These symptoms or signals require further examination.

Common neurological symptoms are diverse and can include:

  • Weakness or Numbness: These sensations can affect any body part, including the face, limbs, and tongue.
  • Changes in Vision: Whether it's blurry vision, double vision, or complete loss of sight, alterations in vision can be neurological in nature.
  • Changes in Hearing: Hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or dizziness can all be associated with nervous system problems.
  • Changes in Balance: If you find it hard to maintain stability while walking or standing, experiencing dizziness or unsteadiness, it could be due to a neurological issue.
  • Changes in Coordination: Everyday tasks like buttoning a shirt or tying shoes might become challenging due to compromised coordination.
  • Changes in Speech: Slurred speech, difficulty articulating words, or struggling to understand spoken language can indicate a neurological concern.
  • Changes in Thinking: Memory lapses, difficulty focusing, and trouble making decisions might point to neurological conditions.
  • Changes in Mood or Personality: Shifts towards depression, anxiety, irritability, or altered behavior might be linked to neurological factors.
  • Seizures: During seizures, the brain experiences uncontrolled electrical activity, which causes shaking or loss of consciousness.

Some Common Neurological Disorders

Here are some common neurological disorders.

  • Encephalitis is brain inflammation caused by viruses, bacteria, or other organisms. Symptoms can include fever, headache, confusion, seizures, and coma. To learn more about it, read this article: Metabolic Encephalopathy: What Can Trigger This Condition?
  • Meningitis causes swelling of the protective layers around the brain and spinal cord. It may be caused by different organisms, such as viruses or bacteria.
  • Sphenoid sinusitis can lead to severe headaches, vision disturbances, and facial numbness.
  • Spinal hemangiomas may cause back or neck pain, radicular pain, numbness, weakness, and difficulty walking.
  • Epstein-Barr virus can cause neurological symptoms like encephalitis, meningitis, and transverse myelitis.

10 Neurological Symptoms Not to Ignore

A neurological symptom that should not be ignored is a sudden onset of severe headache. Credits: ReviewsFellas© 

Recently, there have been cases where people have ignored common neurological signs that could potentially be fatal. Here are ten of the most common symptoms to watch out for.

Sudden Onset of Severe Headache

If you suddenly have a very intense headache that is different from any previous ones you've had. It might indicate a serious underlying problem like a migraine, aneurysm, or possibly even a stroke.

Unexplained Memory Loss

Memory loss that's not associated with normal forgetfulness or aging could indicate a neurological problem. It might be linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease, other forms of dementia, or even certain brain infections.

Numbness or weakness experienced on just one side of the body

You might have a stroke or paralysis if you get numb or weak on one side of your body suddenly. A stroke causes neurological symptoms on one side of the body when blood flows to the brain is disrupted. Difficulty walking or loss of coordination may be caused by neurological conditions such as stroke, MS, or tumors affecting motor control.

Slurred Speech

Slurred speech or difficulty forming words could suggest a neurological issue like a stroke, but it could also be related to other conditions, such as a brain injury or certain neurological disorders.

Dizziness or Balance Problems

Frequent dizziness or problems with balance might be indicative of various conditions, including inner ear disorders, vestibular migraines, or problems with the cerebellum, a part of the brain responsible for balance and coordination.

Vision Changes

If you suddenly lose your vision in one or both eyes or have double vision. It may be caused by issues in the eyes themselves or by neurological problems affecting the optic nerve or visual processing areas in the brain.


When the brain experiences irregular electrical signals, seizures can occur, leading to various symptoms and effects. They can be caused by epilepsy, brain injuries, infections, or other underlying neurological conditions.

Numbness sensation in the Arms, Legs, or Face

Nerve compression, inflammation, or even other nerve-related issues may cause unexplained numbness or tingling in certain parts of the body.

Changes in Mood or Personality

Neurological conditions can sometimes affect mood and personality. Conditions like depression, anxiety, or even certain brain tumors can lead to changes in emotional well-being and behavior.

Difficulty Thinking or Concentrating

Cognitive difficulties, such as trouble with thinking, memory, or concentration, might be associated with neurological conditions like dementia, traumatic brain injury, or certain infections affecting the brain.


It's really crucial to pay attention to any signs of problems with your brain or nerves and get help from a doctor right away. Just a quick reminder - if you're experiencing any symptoms, it's important not to ignore them.

It may lead to some serious consequences and put your life in danger. So, make sure to take care of yourself and seek medical assistance if needed.

Test Yourself Out by Attempting This Quiz 
Question 1: Which of the following neurological symptoms should not be ignored?
A. Headache
B. Dizziness
C. Numbness
D. Fatigue
Question 2: What are the causes of neurological symptoms?
A. Stroke
B. Multiple sclerosis
C. Parkinson's disease
D. All of the above
Question 3: How are neurological symptoms diagnosed?
A. Medical history and physical examination
B. Imaging tests
C. Blood tests
D. All of the above

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What does it mean by neurologically intact?

Ans: neurologically intact means the nervous system is functioning normally without any signs of issues or abnormalities. It's used in medical contexts to describe a person whose neurological examination shows no deficits or impairments.

Q: What are the neurological side effects of Humira?

Ans: Humira is a medication used for autoimmune conditions such as arthritis (RA) and Crohn's. Side effects include nerve, demyelination, CNS disorders, and headaches.

Q: Why and how quick neurological screening test used for?

Ans: A quick neurological screening test is typically used to quickly assess an individual's neurological function and identify potential signs of neurological issues or disorders.

Key Takeaways

Don't ignore these 10 neurological symptoms.

  • Severe Headache: Watch out for sudden, intense headaches.
  • Memory Loss: Unusual memory issues could signal neurological problems.
  • One-Sided Weakness: One-sided numbness might indicate stroke or paralysis.
  • Slurred Speech: Difficulty speaking could be neurological.
  • Dizziness/Balance: Frequent dizziness may signify neurological concerns.
  • Vision Changes: Sudden vision loss or double vision needs attention.
  • Seizures: Irregular brain signals may cause seizures.
  • Numbness: Unexplained numbness in limbs/face could be nerve-related.
  • Mood Changes: Neurological conditions can affect mood and behavior.
  • Cognitive Difficulties: Trouble with thinking, memory, or concentration is significant.