Temporary bloating is nothing to worry about. But chronic bloating is one kind of irritation in the stomach and the most common problem across the globe. It is uncommon to find someone who has never experienced this abdominal problem in their lifetime.
According to a report in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the USA, 1 in 7 adults'suffers from abdominal bloating. Women especially experience this problem more than men in their monthly period.
But why is this abdominal bloating? Can bloating be caused by stress? Or only the food habit is responsible?
This digestion trouble is connected to various gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation, and a woman's menstrual cycle.
Before going for medical help, many home remedies are available to help soothe your tummy.
Bloated Definition
Air in abdomen means your belly is full of gas or air after a few hours of eating. When the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is filled with air or gas, people feel their abdomen full, tight or swollen. Sometimes this bloating turns into extreme belly inflation that you feel your tummy hard and painful. Some other symptoms are
- Stomach pain
- Excessive intestinal gas - Flatulence
- Frequent burping or belching
- Belly inflation farts
- Abdominal rumbling.
- Abnormal abdominal reflexes
- Constipation
- Gas accumulation
- Weight gain
This irritable disturbance can deter you from work or social gatherings. People feel uncomfortable around people as the gas in the abdomen can anytime turn into farts.
Reasons Behind Abdominal Bloating

There are three types of reasons work behind abdominal bloating.
- Gas
- Medical Conditions
- Other causes
Gas And More Gas
Gas is the most common reason for abdominal gas. Usually, it happens right after eating. When some undigested food breaks down in the digestive tract, instant gas gets built up. Even if you swallow air while eating, gas will be formed in your small intestine.
- Drinking carbonated beverages and eating too fast
- Drinking excess water while eating
- Eating with mouth open
- Excess chewing gum
- Smoking
- Drink soft drinks daily
- Taking fodmap foods
The best way to eliminate air from the belly is to burping and flatulence. Don't try to hide burp if it comes naturally.
Medical Conditions
If you have some specific medical condition,
- IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Inflammatory bowel movement disease
- Excess weight (obesity)
- Heartburn issues
- Hormonal Flux for women
- Intestinal parasite infection - Giardiasis
- Eating disorder
- Crohn's disease
- Bloated from stress
- Taking Medications
Other serious health problems
Some serious health disorders can create bloating in the stomach.
- Liver disease
- Kidney failure
- Ovarian cancer
- Gluten sensitivity
- Food intolerance
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Lack of production of enough digestive enzymes
- Celiac Disease
Home Remedies For Stress Bloating

Lifestyle changes can reduce your abdominal bloating. Changing some eating patterns can help you to deal with abdominal bloating. It is always best to take care of your health before it's too late to see a doctor.
- Do physical activity regularly. It will help the digestion system become more active.
- Eat food in due time. You can take the help of a food diary.
- Chew the food with your mouth closed. It will prevent the air from entering your mouth.
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat slowly
- Eat fiber-enriched foods like spinach, brussels sprouts, etc., to remove constipation.
- Take the food in smaller portions
- Avoid chewing gum
- Massage your belly regularly to relieve trapped wind
- Avoid drinking carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol
- Less eat the gas creating food like cabbage, beans, or dairy
- Don't eat too much at night
- Avoid processed, sugary and spicy food.
- Try to reduce your stress and anxiety.
Foods To Reduce Abdominal Bloating

There are some foods or diets that can help you remove bloating.
- Avocados
- Bananas
- Celery
- Turmeric
- Peppermint
- Ginger
- Asparagus
- Fennel
- Cucumber
- Yogurt
- Green tea
- Kombucha
- Apple cider vinegar
- Tomatoes, grapes, and melons
Time To Get Medical Attention

Sudden changes in bloating and in the belly area are normal for everybody, but it can be a serious problem if you are suffering from bloating for
- More than 3 weeks.
- No matter what you eat, gas automatically forms
- prolonged abdominal pain
- Lump in tummy
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Unexplained weight loss
- Bloody stools
- Weight loss or gain
- Feel uncomfortable doing regular work
- High fevers
- Vomiting
- Excess Heartburn
Seek medical attention in these cases. Your doctor or pharmacist has various treatment options.
Stress Bloat - The Relation Between Stress And Bloat

Are you stressing much lately? If you have some digestion disorder, then it is not a wonder that your bowel function is worsening while you are under stress and anxiety. Research has found that stress can increase the bloating problem and stomach distention.
Stress is linked with IBS symptoms and bloating. Because stress can change gut microbiota which can lead to bacterial overgrowth, excess gas production, and inflammation inside the GI tract can result from gut flora changes.
Stress Bloat With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ibs
What does stress bloating look like? It is nothing different. Bloating and abdominal distention are common for those who have IBS. The study found that all patients with IBS experience more sensations of bloating than others who don't.
Mental health disorders are more common among people with IBS, and research shows that they experience higher levels of depression, anxiety, and distress.
When the brain creates stress hormones and neurotransmitters, they travel down the gut and can cause hypersensitivity in the gut.
In fact, research has found that IBS patients may not actually experience a more gassy abdomen than the general population. It's likely a hypersensitivity reaction nervous system that leads to an increased sense of pain and bloating. To manage IBS, you can change change your diet and incorporate over the counter probiotics.
Bloating And Other GI Conditions
Stress can be a major contributing factor in the development of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and histamine intolerance both present with bloating and can be worsened by chronic stress.
Food intolerances like wheat and dairy products allergies can also cause misguided immune reactions in the gut.
Understanding bloating is not something crucial. Abdominal bloating or gas related complaints are common and can be controlled by some lifestyle changes. It is not like you have considered a lot of food or drinks. Just remove the food that causes you too much gas. Try to intake fiber supplements and a low fodmap diet.
If you can make normal amounts of changes in your lifestyle, then you won't feel bloated, and your bowel movements will stay fine.
Also, removing certain foods will keep your small intestine free from bacterial infection. Overall your digestive system will be improved.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question 1 - Does Chewing Gum Make You Bloated?
Answer- 1 Yes, chewing gum causes gas and fluid buildup. As a result, you will suffer from bloating. When you continue to chew gum, you are swallowing air which can cause functional bloating.
Question 2: Does Smoking Make You Bloated?
Answer - 2 Yes, smoking sometimes causes you bloating. Smoking is linked with functional abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, functional dyspepsia, and constipation.
Question 3: Does Lemon Juice Cause Gas And Bloating?
Answer - 3 Lemon is good for dealing with gas and bloating problems. It can ease your gas pain. Diuretics reduce bloating by acting as diuretics when water retention is present.