This article is reviewed, corrected, and approved by: Dr. Joshua Collins M.D. | MRCP। FRCP

There are many types of diseases, such as cancer, that affect men. Complications or health challenges such as bladder, testicular, kidney, liver, and pancreatic cancer can be seen commonly.

These conditions can have serious consequences for men’s health and overall well-being. But the question is, if someone has prostate cancer, how do they know? The answer is there are some signs indicating that you might have prostate cancer.

In this detailed article, I will go through the symptoms of prostate cancer, including 5 warning signs of prostate cancer you should watch out for. Also, I'll talk about risk factors and when you need a diagnosis and treatment.

Prostate Cancer: What Is It?

Cancers are common in men, especially prostate gland cancer. For those who may not be familiar with prostate cancer (icd 10 for prostate cancer), it is a type of condition that affects the prostate gland. This gland usually produces prostate and seminal fluid, muscle contraction, enzymes including general prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and semen production.

If you are experiencing signs like difficulty in urination, pain or inflammation during peeing, weak flow, mild to severe pain in hips, lower back, or upper thighs. These symptoms may indicate prostate cancer, but only a proper medical diagnosis can be confirmed.

5 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

1. Urinary Disturbances

An often-telltale sign of prostate adenocarcinoma is disruptions in urinary patterns.

Here are the other signs

  • Pain or burning during urination or ejaculation.
  • Having frequent or pressure of urination, especially during the night.
  • Difficulty and pain in peeing
  • Trouble fully emptying the bladder leads to a sense of incompleteness.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

  • Sudden onset of erectile dysfunction, potentially indicating underlying health issues, including prostate cancer.

3. Blood in Urine or Semen

  • If you notice blood in your urine, stool, or semen, it's important to get tested by a medical professional to determine the cause. They can help determine if you have prostate cancer or another condition causing the bleeding.

4. Persistent Pain

  • Unrelenting pain in the back, hips, or pelvis requires immediate medical investigation.

5. Unexplained Weight Loss and Swelling

  • Unaccounted-for weight loss, lower body swelling, or abnormalities in urinary and bowel habits could signify advanced prostate cancer.

Other than these 5 warning signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, patients with advanced prostate cancer can experience bone pain.

Try Out This Quiz About Prostate Cancer!!!
Question 1: Which of the following is NOT a common warning sign of prostate cancer?
Frequent urination
Weak urine stream
Painful urination
Erectile dysfunction
Question 2: Which of the following is the most common early warning sign of prostate cancer?
Frequent urination
Weak urine stream
Painful urination
Erectile dysfunction
Question 3: Which of the following is a symptom of advanced prostate cancer?
Frequent urination
Weak urine stream
Blood in the urine
Bone pain

Prostate Exam vs. Colonoscopy

Here are the differences between a prostate exam vs colonoscopy


Prostate Exam



To check for prostate cancer (prostate cancer icd 10) and other problems with the prostate.

Screening for colon cancer and other problems

Who needs it?

Men over 50

Adults over 45 with an average risk of colon-cancer, or adults over 40 with a higher risk

How is it done?

In this process known as digital rectal exam or DRE. An oiled finger is inserted into the rectum by the doctor by inserting a gloved hand underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum.

Long, flexible tubes with cameras are inserted into the colon and rectum


Pain, bleeding, infection

Pain, bleeding, perforation of the colon


No special preparation needed

Bowel cleansing required

Recovery time


Same day


Early detection and successful treatment can greatly influence the ability to identify the indicators of prostate cancer. Being careful about noticing urinary changes, pain, blood in bodily fluids, and unexplained weight loss or swelling can potentially lead to timely medical intervention.

Last but not least, keep in mind that these symptoms can also be indicative of other conditions. However, it's always best to consult an expert to check everything is running well. By taking action and prioritizing regular check-ups, individuals can play an active role in their health and well-being. If you want to learn more about men's health, read this article:

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Qs)

Q: Is a colonoscopy used to check for prostate cancer?

A: No, a colonoscopy focuses on the colon and rectal health, not prostate cancer.

Q: Can I get cancer if my husband has prostate cancer?

A: While a family history of prostate cancer (ICD-10 code) can increase the risk, it's important to note that prostate cancer itself is not directly contagious.

Q: What size of prostate is dangerous?

A: Enlarged prostate size alone isn't an indicator of danger; symptoms and tests matter.

Q: Can asbestos cause prostate cancer?

A: Asbestos exposure is not a known direct cause of prostate cancer; its link is unclear.

Q: Can a woman have prostate cancer?

A: Prostate cancer only affects males as it targets the prostate gland, a male reproductive organ. Women cannot develop this type of cancer since they do not have a prostate gland.

Q: What is the average lifespan of someone diagnosed with prostate cancer?

A: Prostate cancer prognosis varies based on stage, treatment, and overall patients' health. Early-stage cases have a high survival rate.